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VivaHR: Get More Done With Simple & Affordable Hir …

Looking for a simple & affordable hiring software? VivaHR offers simple and affordable hiring software to help you get more done. Best tool to improve productivity.
Anupriya Singh

Creative Strategist at Mavenwit

Published Date

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Simplifying HR process with VivaHR

Looking for a simple & affordable hiring software. We’ve got you covered for your better hiring experience.

Some say, you should treat your employees as a part of your family. Understanding & empathy boosts your employees’ morale. Whilst some say, that’s a dangerous perspective & non-beneficial one, therefore, your organization must treat the employees as a Sports Team. Equally Responsible & Equally Motivated.

This or that, eventually everything boils down to the fact that your employees make up your company’s culture & are crucial for its growth & sustainability. All aiming to fulfill a higher purpose, together.

Big businesses know this very well & have a proper effective hiring process in place because recruitment means more than just hiring the right people for the job roles. Everything takes place within a well laid-out plan. From Hiring a Recruitment Manager/Team to efficiently conducting the process which involves:

  • Preparing a Job Description
  • Creating a Recruitment Plan
  • Posting Jobs On Different Platforms & PR Firms
  • Selecting Candidates
  • Screening The Candidates
  • Interviewing & Re-Interviewing
  • Contacting 
  • Evaluating
  • Finalising

Recruitment is a lengthy process. Moreover, a costly one. Because let’s face it, all these activities are not a single person’s cup of tea, unless the hiring is happening in some distant parallel universe.

While Big Businesses carry out these activities on a larger scale & regular intervals, there are recruitment & PR departments within the organisations. Small & Budding Businesses, on the contrary, can neither afford nor put in the required amount of time or labor to initiate hiring on an initial level.

If you are the budding business, we’re talking about, this all might seem overwhelming to you & truth to be told, it is one. An Overwhelming & Nerve-Wrecking Process.

Usually, at this point companies turn to specialist recruitment consultancies in order to fasten & make the process stress-free.  Some will advice you to not go for outsourcing this function & some will not know which hiring agency to go for.

Again, the question arises – What About Small & New Businesses?

This is what we are here to talk about. Where, there’s a will, there’s a way. You are here to find a solution & we are here to provide you with 1.

We are talking about VivaHR.

hiring software

What is VivaHR?

VivaHR is supercharged hiring platform. A revolutionary & unique way of hiring suitable candidates for any job role at one place, with a single process & which requires no recruitment management team or time to go through the applicants manually.

Seems like a dream right? It’s because it is.

hiring software


Get more done with less time & less investment, efficiently & effectively.

VivaHR is an automated hiring tool that lets you build your job positions from scratch with their wide variety of templates available for your suitable kind of job positions.

Hassle-Free publishing of your jobs on more than 50+ job sites which is 100% organic, with one account & one job position profile, all at one place.

But that’s not the best part! At VivaHR,

You not just create a job profile for your job but also, your businesses Culture Portfolio. Which helps in attracting the right candidates for that job role.

No need to smash your head around all the types of applicant profiles to find out the one that will understand & fit well with your company’s culture & environment. The candidates will do it for themselves.

This is done through

VivaHR’s Culture Marketing Landing Pages which are customisable at any point of your business life cycle. Showcase your businesses’ culture with self-created pictures & videos of your company. It will not only boost the trust of the job seekers but also attract them.

All this adds up to converting more & more job seekers into applicants. Way more than that came through earlier traditional text-based job descriptions.

hiring software


Is that all? No, of course Not!

With the facility of –

  • Applicant Tracking, now you can take & make notes of your own,
  • Communicate via Ready to use E-Mail Templates before moving forward with the applicant.
  • You can create your own Hiring Pipeline & make applicants accustomed to your company’s working culture.

Have a team to work on it? You can give Access To Your Team & can conduct the hiring altogether or keep an eye on the process anytime of the journey.

Let’s see what the CEO of the Company VivaHR has to say about their services –

“No longer should a small business owner feel hostage to bad employees.

I’m proud to say that VivaHR is the product that I wish existed back when I was looking to grow my first small business. I am truly passionate about helping small businesses hire better candidates.

And if, for any reason, you don’t think that VivaHR is the best way for your small business to attract and hire your next hire – if it doesn’t save you time and money - then you won’t pay a penny.”


Start Your Free Trial!

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Anupriya Singh

Creative Strategist at Mavenwit

Anupriya Singh is a Creative Strategist at Mavenwit. She is perfect at creating Top-Notch strategies for the brands to keep rolling. She love to play with the words, talkative, and enough witty to get the job done in a matter of time. She is an amazing artist as well, and love to play musical instruments, and involved in the commercial live shows. She is never settle, and always curious to learn more all the time, & fun to be with.

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